2020年1月17日 星期五


I guess it’s time to put up some test scores.

From the beginning of June to the end of December (the day before my mother came to visit), I’ve had classes every single day. I certainly hadn’t planned it that way, it’s just that I couldn’t say no to students who needed my help.

Amanda: “Aren’t you exhausted?”

If I were to claim that I wasn’t tired, I’d be lying, but I’m so passionate about teaching the SAT, especially when students’ eyes light up upon learning about a new concept or way to approach the test, that my fatigue vanishes without a trace (until my adrenalin subsides, that is).

One of the most gratifying experiences for me this year was to have a high-achieving student tell her mother, “I learned more in one of Brett’s mock test classes than I did during that three-week intensive course at the other place.” Every time parents tell me this kind of thing, I know I’m fulfilling my mission in life.

Thinking back, it was that student’s comment that got me through my grueling schedule for the past seven months.

Originally, she had been stuck at 1390 for quite some time, but after completing her classes with us, she got an awesome 1530! Not only am I happy for her, but I’m also relieved to have been able to help her out after she expressed such confidence in me.

I steadfastly believe that as long as students are willing to work hard and never give up, sooner or later, they will achieve the score that reflects their true ability.

Below are the improvements some of my SAT students showed in the October and December tests. Congratulations, guys!

For juniors who have yet to reach your goals, you still have time, so focus on the future and don’t give up! Persist with your preparation. I can’t wait to hear about your March test scores!



Amanda問我 : 你不累嗎?


得到最大的肯定是當知道學生回家跟媽媽說 : "來上我一天的SAT模考課,比她以前去上的三週密集班的收穫還來得多很多"時,我的使命感瞬間倍增!

我想應該也是這句話,讓我可以將近半年都不放假吧! 哈!




還沒考到目標分數的十一年級同學,你們還有時間,不要輕言放棄!!! 好好繼續準備,期待你們3月的表現!!!