2016年9月26日 星期一


目前的雅思分數 L8.5 / R7.5 / W6.5 / S7,目標是四項都拿8。
Reading > 看完文章懂文章也懂題目但是不知道該選T/F/Not given哪一個,
考我雖然意思相近但是事實上有些微不同那我就選F/Not given,
所以即使文章看完三遍還是找不到到底是再說文章哪一段 Orz 

For reading, have you tried a combination of the techniques in 新平行閱讀法 and 無詞閱讀法? They are excellent. 
T/F/NG (facts): for questions to be true, you must be able to find specific, (relatively) obvious information that directly supports ALL of the statement. For False, ANY part of the question must be contradicted. For NG, usually only HALF of the statement can be found. 
Y/N/NG (opinions): These are about the author's opinion, so they're similar to INFERENCE questions on other tests. You (sometimes) need to draw conclusions from the information in the passage. Otherwise, they're the same as T/F/NG. 
Writing > 就是一個悲慘,OG裡有一個最終考驗是要分辨文章哪篇是4,6,8分,
那邊我除了4分找得出來,6,8根本分不出來 >"< 

Writing: It doesn't really matter if you can't figure out the scores for other essays. It only matters for your own. I used to find that hard, too. The way to "get" which words are academic is to read lots of academic writing. The best source is The Economist. Awesome writing, perfect for the IELTS. If they use a word in a certain way, it's definitely okay on the IELTS. 
Speaking > 我會緊張,然後聲音就會很卡,腦袋思路也就跟著很卡.....Orz 
有時候考試給的題目太過籠統我也不知道該怎麼回答,例如有一題問我live music,
可是live music有好多種,我回問考官是想問哪一種考官只笑笑也沒多說甚麼 >"<

Speaking: "Do what you fear and the fear will disappear". The only way to combat nerves is to put yourself in uncomfortable situations where you force yourself to speak English. As for asking an examiner a question in Part 1, they are not allowed to answer ANY question! At most, they will repeat the question once, and then move onto the next question. 

