2016年6月15日 星期三

來學 "痛罵一頓"的英文!

A Beautiful Accident!

After being chewed out by his mother, son says to his father:
"Why did you have to marry her?"

Father, replying angrily:
"There's no way I would have if you weren't in the picture!"

【Chew out : 痛罵一頓】
主動式: His mother chewed him out.
被動式(1): He was chewed out by his mother. (文章式英文)
被動式(2): He just got chewed out by his mother. (口語化英文)

【某某人 + be動詞 + in the picture : 因為有某某人(的存在)】
Damn! Now Jack's in the picture, I won't have a chance with her.

